Asana vs Monday: Which Project Management Tool Wins?

See the difference between Asana and, so you will be able to choose the best project management platform for your business.

We live in a digital era, where project management tools seem to be a mandatory part of our jobs. Our jobs are surrounded by the IoT and in most fields of work, we depend on new technology in order to function properly. Laptops became our notebooks and we didn't even notice the transition that happened so fast.

Even more so, project management tools are here to make our lives easier. Once with digitalization and the rise of digital platforms, the collaboration between team workers became easy to manage offering a great variety of ways to work together. Think about a work environment where you don’t have any means of communication with your colleagues. How hard it would be to get your tasks done and how hard the information would spread. Nowadays we have software programs that have the ability to plan, centralize, organize, follow progress, tasks, and manage every work-related task. And, two of the best project management tools are Asana and

What is is a customizable work-management tool that helps your team stay productive and deal with work-related situations. The digital platform came to life as a result of the combination of collaboration, communication, engagement, and of course, the desire to scale as fast as we can. The digital platform was launched in 2014 and since then it offered smart solutions to over 250k customers with small and medium businesses.

Some of the core values that presents are:

  • Transparency and Trust – Accessibility is a mandatory feature any digital product needs to offer, even more so in the case of a platform management tool. Offering access to data to your teammates can help them work more efficiently and perform better. believes in the power of offering trust and letting employees work freely.
  • Ownership – Another core value that believes in is ownership. Ownership over the work you accomplish offers a level of personal investment over the work you can accomplish, driving an overall better performance rate.
  • Fast – Our lives are happening on fast-forward, we can all agree on that. We need project management solutions that can help us learn and execute tasks easier, improving our work-productivity levels.

What is Asana?

Asana is a project management tool that was born from the struggles every small and medium business goes through. Asana’s name meaning comes from Sanskrit, referring to the pose a yogi sits, leading to their core values of leading humanity to thrive while working together. 

  • Focus – Concentration and focus are two traits that we all need to have when delivering solutions. Asana believes that we need to always keep our minds focused and ignore the destruction that might appear along the way. 
  • Clarity – The digital platform strives to instill a work environment that is easy to access and work with. A clear mission helps co-workers work together and deliver the best solutions and productivity levels. Think about it, not understanding the task that you need to solve is an impossible job, so this is where Asana comes into play and offers the best clear response. 
  • Mindfulness – Mindfulness is another core value that helps us strive for the best space to work and learn. Constantly learning and reflecting on the decisions we make and apply in our lives is a healthy way of working and leaving.

Asana vs Monday

Both project management softwares are a great way to keep your team members organized and productive. The new technology solutions are here to manage tasks, generate reports, and make informed decisions.

  • Pricing – has Basic (from $9 per seat/ monthly), Standard ($12 per seat/ monthly), Pro ($19 per seat/ monthly), and Enterprise plans. Asana offers a Basic plan, a Premium ($10.99 per user/monthly), a Business (from $24.99 per user/monthly), and an Enterprise plan.
  • Free plans – Each digital platform has a free plan where you can test them and see which is the most suitable for your business. 
  • Discounts – The project management softwares have both discounts available. Asana offers discounts for startups, nonprofits, and education staff. Yet,, has a wider range of possible clients that can benefit from their discounts including a free plan that is available for students and instructors. 
  • Free integrations – Both project management softwares offer over 200+ platforms available in which we can find Google Workplace, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Mailchimp, Dropbox, DocuSign, and APIs for custom integration.

So, depending on your wishes and budget you can either chase Asana as it gives you the ability to set dues dates and times and be accessed from your mobile phone, desktop, and browser, and have only one project owner per project. And, go for when you want to create unlimited boards and docs, access it from anywhere (including IOS and Android apps), but don’t need a chat feature. 

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